EVA project started in January 2018 and ends in December 2019. It has been implemented by 10 organizations from around the world: Italy, France, Spain Peru, Bolivia, Indonesia, India, Morocco and Ghana. The European organisations, including ADICE, had the role to train the non-EU organisation to give third countries organizations those skills to reach the standard and procedures to apply for certification to host EU Aid volunteers through the introduction of new methods and skills in the field of humanitarian aid and the volunteering management.
The specific objectives of EVA project are to reinforce 7 third countries organizations:
– in getting strong capacities and knowledge about Humanitarian Aid Functioning and principles and the importance of volunteering
– in the realization of security rules and logistical process to ensure the security in Humanitarian Aid interventions
– in the realization of needs assessment and situation analysis to ensure a relevant volunteering intervention in Humanitarian Aid Context
– in getting strong capacities and knowledge to ensure a high quality volunteering management in Humanitarian Aid Context.
The last aim was to ensure the visibility of the program and the capitalisation and dissemination of the project results and tools to grow the impact of the project (at local, national, European and international level).
These objectives will be achieved through a multiple set of activities and results. Indeed at the end of the project, thanks to a series of seminars, training exchanges and workshops, partner from third countries will adopt EU aid principles in their activities and value the role of volunteering in humanitarian aid contexts and projects. They will acquire those competences needed to develop needs and risks assessments, holistic volunteer management strategies and the ability to promote both project results and EUAV initiative, becoming experts in the management of volunteers in humanitarian aid context in their countries.
If successful, the organisations will receive the EU Aid Volunteer certification from the European Commission which will allow them to receive expert volunteers in humanitarian aid projects in their countries.