Starting in December 2020, the Strengthening youth Through the Empowerment of Partners (STEP) project is part of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the youth field programme . It includes two European partners (France and Spain) and four Latin American partners (Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia) with the aim of improving the quality of management of their volunteering projects. The partners will undertake activities and outputs until the end of the project in March 2023.
Capacity building activities will take place through two training courses on the following topics :
- Conducting a field needs assessment for a relevant volunteer intervention
- Ensuring security in volunteer management
- Implementing common logistics in the management of youth volunteering
- Develop quality tools and methods for youth volunteering management and mentoring in third countries.
and also through field visits and deployment of volunteers to Latin American partners’ projects:
- Deployment of two volunteers for 6 months to each Latin American partner for a 6-month mobility period (including at least two people with fewer opportunities). In total, eight volunteers will be deployed.
- Field visit of two youth workers to two less experienced host organisations (in Ecuador and Uruguay) to exchange experiences, share support and advice on mentoring
The production of innovative tools will take the form of :
- Creation and dissemination of a guidebook focusing on high quality management methods and tools to ensure a deeper knowledge.
- Creation and dissemination of 3 pedagogical videos focusing on high quality management methods and tools to ensure a deeper knowledge.
- Creation and dissemination of two testimonial videos (one from a host organisation and the second by a volunteer).
A final evaluation and dissemination seminar will close the project in the form of a large-scale conference to widely disseminate the project results in March 2023.
More information to come, so keep an eye on our website and social networks!