Projets / Autre / LISTEN


The “Listen to us” project – How to improve the participation of young people in the development of societies in the North Sea region, known as “LISTEN” aims to increase knowledge about the participation and involvement of young people in planning and decision-making in societies in the North Sea region. This project, co-funded by the EU Interreg North Sea Region, is coordinated by the County Administrative Board of Skåne (SE). ADICE is a partner with the municipality of Faaborg Midtfyn (DK).

The latest reports from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and Freedom House state that democracy is in decline around the world: freedom of expression is being curtailed and citizens’ participation and ability to influence the political process is being reduced and threatened.

So far, the North Sea countries have generally been spared this decline, as highlighted by the EIU’s democracy index (the benchmark for measuring the state of democracy in the world) : The North Sea countries rank very highly on this index. But recent geopolitical changes remind us that we can never take democracy and its values for granted, not even in the North Sea region. It is therefore important that we work actively and concretely to develop civic dialogue between decision-makers and young people.


The overall objective of the project is to create conditions for a rapprochement between children/young people and politicians/civil servants in the North Sea area, in order to create greater democratic participation between citizens and decision-makers. 


Through the LISTEN project, an initial comparative analysis will be carried out by project partners and local working groups to map the current state of play regarding existing policies for youth participation in societal planning and decision-making. The aim of the analysis is to summarize local examples and ongoing initiatives which could be applicable to implement in the whole of the North Sea Region. 

ADICE and project partners expect to do an operational manual for the North Sea region with recommendations and indicators on how local and regional authorities can work to increase the participation and influence of children and young people in planning and decision-making et the local and regional levels 

Public and beneficiaries

The LISTEN project is targeting two main groups: 

  • Children and young people under the age of 18. This is a group of citizens who are often not seen and heard in the planning of decisions that affect their future. 
  • Politicians and civil servants in municipalities, regions and authorities. They need better operational tools, to be able to listen to children and young people. 

Co-financé par l'Union Européenne (2021-2027)