Projets / Capacity Building / ONe-VA

Capacity Building

ONe-VA (ONline Volontariat Actif) offers the possibility to carry out volunteer missions exclusively online from mid-January for a period of 3 months.

The aim of the project is to offer a first experience of international volunteering (or to continue a commitment), in a foreign association without having to change one’s current situation (professional/family life, studies, etc.).

More than a simple service, this experience allows you to position yourself as an expert in your field (communication, IT, project management, fundraising, etc.), and to bring to the organization the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure their successful development.

Why do Online Volunteering?

“You give your time, but you still win.”

The transfer of skills is not a one-way street! Indeed, the objective of a volunteering service is also to progress and assert oneself in a context of international solidarity.

ONe-VA has three main objectives:

  1. To achieve
    • To be useful – to keep busy – to help others – to put one’s experience at the service of others – to challenge oneself – to boost one’s CV…
  1. Progress
    • Put your skills into practice – progress in a foreign language – gain experience – assert and broaden your knowledge…
  1. Discover
    • Discover new ways of working in a team – meet new people – open up to a new culture (and country) – expand your network

For whom and how?

You are : Employees – Self-employed – People in professional training – Seniors – Retired? Then ON-eVA is for you!

  • Step 0: Choose an assignment listed below
  • Step 1: Send your application to
  • Step 2: Interview with the host organization
  • Step 3: Sign the volunteer agreement
  • Step 4: Training with ADICE
  • Step 5: Start of the assignment
  • Step 6: Handover of certificates



KTL Academy


Association : Klong Toh Lem Academy
Area : Coaching; formal and non-formal education; Training; Foreign Languages


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bénévolat en ligne

MISSION ONe-VA: Support for the development of the communication strategy, Peru

Association : Paz y Esperanza

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Association : VIN (Volunteers Initiative Nepal)
Area: IT; Web development; SEO; Social Media Manager; WordPress


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Project objectives

The project aims to strengthen the capacities of international structures through e-volunteering and to open up engagement to new audiences (employees, self-employed, retired people, etc.).

Main objectives

  1. The main objective of the project is to provide international solidarity structures with knowledge, methods and tools to design and implement qualitative and sustainable projects for their local community and future generations, through the hosting of expert volunteers (who have expertise to contribute in a specific field) on online, hybrid or face-to-face missions.
  2. The second main objective is to raise awareness and open up engagement to new audiences, including employees, self-employed, retired people, etc.

The sub-objectives of the project :

  1. To recruit, train, deploy and accompany 30 volunteers on online/e-volunteer missions in different fields of action to support international solidarity structures
  2. Create two awareness-raising campaigns via social/professional networks (Facebook/LinkedIn)
  3. Organise two online events
  4. Create and disseminate a brochure on e-volunteering support methodology
  5. Create and implement a dissemination plan

Expected results

  • 30 volunteers will be recruited, trained, deployed and accompanied on online/e-volunteering assignments
  • Two awareness raising campaigns via social/professional networks (Facebook/LinkedIn) will have been created
  • Two online events will have been organised
  • A brochure on the e-volunteering support methodology will have been created and disseminated
  • A dissemination plan will have been created and implemented throughout the project


The ONe-VA program responds to the call for projects of “Volunteering for Exchanges and Skills (VEC)” launched by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of French, in partnership with the Fonjep and France Volontaires. ONe-VA is co-financed by the FONJEP, and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of French.


FONJEP online volunteeringMEAE ONe-VA volunteeringVEC - volontariat en ligne