Publications / Training kit: Reducing the environmental impact of digital technology

Training kit: Reducing the environmental impact of digital technology

eGreenDéveloppement durableTrainingTransition numérique

The training aims to raise awareness of sustainable digital transformation. It uses the life cycle analysis approach to explain how to reduce the environmental impact of digital technology.

Pedagogical objectives of the training

  • Understand the issues surrounding the digital sector and its impact on the environment;
  • Question the learner’s relationship with digital technology and its place in our daily life;
  • Identify the players, practices and initiatives that help to reduce the environmental impact of digital technology;
  • Create your own action plan to reduce your digital carbon footprint.

Pedagogical process

  • Pedagogical handbook is meant to provide the necessary information and knowledge to the trainers to enable the preparation of the training;
  • Training outline provides the trainers with a detailed step-by-step plan to enable the implementation of the training ;
  • Learners have to use the Participants Notebook throughout the training session.

Kit contents

  • A pedagogical handbook for trainers
  • A PowerPoint presentation
  • A participants notebook for learners


Le projet Erasmus+ "eGreen" vise à renforcer les capacités des apprenants et des organisations de l’Enseignement et la Formation Professionnels (EFP). L’objectif du projet est de permettre aux parties prenantes du secteur de l’EFP d’évaluer l’impact sur l’environnement de leurs pratiques numériques et de leur donner les moyens de s’engager vers une transition numérique durable et inclusive.