Publications / Kit : Reducing the impact of digital practice on the environment

Kit : Reducing the impact of digital practice on the environment

eGreenDéveloppement durableEFPManuelTransition numérique

The specific objective of this Tool Kit is to support VET professionals in implementing measures around green digital transformation (GDT).

Through this kit, the ADICE wants to reinforce the capacities and knowledge of professionals by helping them to implement new “digital” practices that have less impact on the environment.


In this Toolkit you will find: a glossary and a Co2 Emission comparative Table. The document is divided in eight topics, with each section divided into a research section including four important facts with links to tutorials, and a selfassessment tool through a checklist of easy-to-implement measures.

All sources used are shared at the end of the document.

Table of contents

  1. Glossary of terms
  2. CO2 emission table
  3. Management of emails
  4. Cloud storage
  5. The impact of streaming media
  6. The use of social media
  7. Producing electronic devices and tools
  8. The impact of cyber security
  9. Using apps, platforms and internet browsers
  10. Printing and digitalisation of documents
  11. Bibliography


Le projet Erasmus+ "eGreen" vise à renforcer les capacités des apprenants et des organisations de l’Enseignement et la Formation Professionnels (EFP). L’objectif du projet est de permettre aux parties prenantes du secteur de l’EFP d’évaluer l’impact sur l’environnement de leurs pratiques numériques et de leur donner les moyens de s’engager vers une transition numérique durable et inclusive.