Publications / Needs assessment, planning, impact and sustainability of youth projects

Needs assessment, planning, impact and sustainability of youth projects

VIVEGestion de projetJeunesse

This first brochure is aimed in particular at organisations and facilities working with and for young people and wishing to initiate youth projects, especially volunteer ones. The tools, techniques and strategies presented will enable the creation of effective initiatives and ensure a significant and lasting impact.

This document is a follow-up to the first training course run as part of the VIVE project on implementing youth projects: needs assessment, planning, impact and sustainability of youth projects.


I. Needs identification and analysis phase

  1. Collecting data
  2. Knowing how to analyse data
  3. Demonstrating the relevance of the project

II. Formalisation, planning and communication phase

  1. Defining beneficiaries
  2. Building an effective partnership
  3. Creating the logical framework of the project
  4. Linking objectives and results
  5. Planning activities
  6. Drafting a communication plan

III. Monitoring and verification phase : evaluation and sustainability

  1. Developing an evaluation sheet
  2. Ensuring continuity